Līgošana Luksemburgā

[Please see below for English]

Lieli un mazi līgotāji laipni aicināti pievienoties līgošanai Luksemburgā!

Arī šogad līgosim skaistajā un maģiskajā Lorencvaileras mežā.
No plkst. 17.00 Jāņu galda klāšana, vainagu pīšana, ugunskura gatavošana, dziedāšana un ēšana.
No plkst. 19.00 Līgo dziesmas dziedāsim, rotaļās iesim un Jāņuguni degsim kopā ar mūsu folkloras kopu "Dzērves".

Vieta: Lorencvaileras (Lorentzweiler) mežs pirms Blašetes (Blachette), pie neolīta laika mājas.

Ierašanās ar groziņu, savukārt mājup dodamies paši ar savu stikla taru.

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Jāņi – Have you ever wondered…

Have you ever wondered what all the fuss is about? Latvians talk and sing about Jāņi; they make elaborate preparations for Jāņi; it seems to be the most important festival of the year. You might be forgiven for thinking that Jāņi, the Summer solstice, is all about singing, bonfires, wearing flower garlands, drinking beer and eating cheese. But that is not all. It is a magical time of the year. The longest day of the year – and in Latvia that is a very long day. In fact, the sun barely sets to rise again. Ancient folksongs with the refrain Līgo, are sung. Drinking beer and eating cheese is believed to promote next year’s harvest and jumping over the bonfire will bring you luck. But Midsummer night (Jāņi) is also a magical night. Possibly a night of romance… Will you find your sweetheart tonight?

Do you want to find out more about this magical Latvian custom? Join us on Saturday 22 June from 5pm onwards. We will start setting up from 5pm and the Luxembourg Latvian folkloric ensemble “Dzērves” will join us at 7pm to sing, play Latvian Jāņi games and light the bonfire.

Where? Lorentzweiler forest, just before Blachette, near the Neolithic building.

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